Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Strength Training for Fell, Trail & Ultra Runners

Strength training has a variety of benefits for fell, trail and ultra runners, including injury prevention and better endurance, economy and power. In this newsletter we explain how to design a simple an effective strength program to improve your running performance.

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Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Techniques For Ascending Steep Hills

This month, I wanted to talk about different techniques for ascending steep hills. Many runners will have strong opinions on the ‘best’ walking technique… I wanted to wade in with some thoughts on the pros and cons of a couple of key techniques.

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Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Running With a Power Meter

In this month’s edition of the keeping pace newsletter, we’re writing about training with power.

Power is the amount of energy produced (or work done) per second. In the context of running, it’s dependant on the amount of force you’re applying to the ground to propel you upwards and (more importantly) forwards with each stride, along with your stride rate.

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Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Nuances of Heart Rate Training for Runners (Part 2)

As promised, this month we’re following up with the second instalment on the subject of heart rate training and scenarios where heart rate should be disregarded in favour of other better metrics of running intensity.

Let’s look at two more scenarios where you may want to overlook heart rate data…

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Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Nuances of Heart Rate Training for Runners (Part 1)

In this month’s newsletter, we wanted to talk about heart rate zones, and in particular, certain scenarios where you might need to ignore your heart rate and pay closer attention to other factors such as how the effort feels.

Firstly, let’s start with discussing how heart rate responds to changes of intensity…

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Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Pacing Tips for Runners

In this month’s newsletter, we wanted to talk a little bit about pacing, since this is something many runners struggle with.

Pacing is all about gauging your effort and holding something back so that you can finish at a similar intensity as you started. It’s important both when you’re racing, and when you’re doing a structured interval session. There are several reasons for this…

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Emma Wilkins Emma Wilkins

Ultra-Nutrition & The Importance of Being Prepared

In this month’s newsletter we thought we’d share some important nutrition advice for the ultra-runners among us. The crux of the message is the importance of keeping on top of your nutrition and hydration in an ultra-race and of being prepared for unexpected eventualities.

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